Our Teacher Trainers will be involved in two conferences this Saturday 17 November which will almost certainly be of interest to you if you are in either Valencia or Barcelona.
Michael Brand will be taking part at the ACEICOVA People Teach People Conference in Valencia with two talks, both in the Salón de Actos G. At 11.45 he will be giving the talk Making all the right noises: a closer look at B2 speaking skills, and at 14.15 you can hear To C1 and Beyond! Hitting the high notes with advanced learners.
Brian Engquist will be in Barcelona at the 6th Annual ELT Conference put on by Exams Catalunya. His talk, Making all the right noises: a closer look at B2 speaking skills, begins at 15.45 in the auditorium.
And if you would like to see any of our materials visit our ELT Consultant Lola Martinez at our stand in Valencia and Marta Cervera in Barcelona.
Hope to see you there!