The CLIL landscape in Spain and our roles as teachers


The advent of bilingualism in many Spanish schools has presented challenges and opportunities for teachers – both English language teachers and teachers of other subjects who now teach in English. Let’s talk about Content and Language Integrated Learning (or CLIL)!


When we’re talking about a CLIL landscape in Spain, it’s worth noting that the characteristics of CLIL implementation can vary considerably in the different autonomous regions – in some, for example, we have gone from monolingualism to bilingualism and in other communities which are already bilingual we’re moving to multilingualism. What lessons can we learn from our experiences with CLIL so far?

Have teachers needed to change their way of working to make CLIL a success? What training needs has CLIL presented? How can closer collaboration across the school help to achieve a coherent approach and how can we make it happen?

At a classroom level, the implementation of CLIL has important implications on the types of methodological strategies we should be adopting. And it raises questions about how we can integrate a competence-based approach and the use of projects in our CLIL lesson as well.

If these issues sound relevant to you, Pearson will be hosting a webinar by the educational expert Fernando Trujillo on November 15th at 6 pm as part of our series of teaching training webinars. Fernando’s webinar will be conducted in Spanish but will be of interest to English teachers as well as teachers of other subject areas.

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