Pearson around the country: thanks for coming!

thanksLast weekend we were at four events in different parts of the country, where we delivered talks around various topics: the spiral syllabus, writing and exams, short video, and ICT and emotions. Keep reading to find out more and download the materials.

Over 120 teachers attended the Pearson Mornings for Teachers at Adult Centres on Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th in Madrid and Bilbao.  The events were headlined by Steve Oakes, one of the award-winning authors of Speakout 2nd edition, with his engaging plenary session “Spiralling upwards: Harnessing the cyclical syllabus” which looked at the concept of the spiral syllabus and how it can be understood in the context of ELT as well as providing examples of specific spins on exercises to help our students make “quality steps” in their learning.

The session was followed by a practical workshop on Writing and exams at B2 level “Writing part 2: The agony of choice” (click here to download the slides) by Brian Engquist.

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The event was wrapped up with a restorative Laughter therapy session that our teachers truly enjoyed!

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Under the banner “Power to the Learner”, this year’s Innovate ELT in Barcelona drew around 200 teachers from all over the globe, where we participated with a resoundingly successful session by Elena Merino:Using short video to empower students” (click here to download the slides).


Finally, Madgadlena Custodio gave the talk Learning and e-motions: the perfect matchwith some practical ideas and interesting reflections on how the use of technology, when linked to emotions, can have a great impact in learning (click here to download the slides).

At Pearson we would like to congratulate all the organizations that held our talks and acknowledge all teachers for attending our sessions and contributing to fostering a learning atmosphere.

See you in Valencia this Thursday, May 11th for another great Pearson Morning event!

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