Unlike Jing or Screencast-o-matic, Movenote is not really a screencasting tool per se as is doesn’t give you the ability to capture your entire screen or use the cursor as a pointer for you audience (in other words it doesn’t record what you’re doing on your screen). What it does do, however, is provide you with a quick way to upload a variety of document types and images, order them into a presentation and make a recording of your narration with a webcam. And it can be used as an extension of your Gmail. A new and easy option for teachers interested in flipping their classes! Check it out below!
Hi Brian,
This is Maite from Movenote team. Great video! We hope you enjoy using Movenote. There are actually some features that are often missed. With Movenote you can use the laser pointer while you are recording by pressing down your mousse button and drawing!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Maite! Movenote is certainly a very easy and intuitive tool to use, but I missed that feature. This should certainly come in handy for future Movenotes that I make.
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